Monday, 15 February 2010

Invasion of the Not Quite Dead Teaser Trailer

Superstadom at last! Ok, not quite, but I'm in a teaser for a film that's "not quite a zombie film". Catch the fun below (I'm the guy sweeping outside the farm store);

The film will star the hugely talented Les Simpson (Dog Soldiers, Doomsday, Straw Man) and the equally talented, but far better looking, Efisia Fele.

You too could be part of the project so head on over to the official site to see how you can join in.


ZedWord said...

I was wary before, but this trailer intrigues me.

wayfarer said...

I understand totally why you were wary, after we corresponded. But, I'm living (living dead) proof of how participation in the project paid off. I had a blast making the trailer and hope that I can assist in the full feature :O)