Thursday, 21 December 2006

Supernatural - A TV series that deserves to stay on the air

I don't consider myself to be totally "fanatical" about things, although I call myself a "fan" of music, television and movies because the word is a point of reference. However, occasionally, I go beyond the call of duty (or just purely watching) for something that I enjoy.

As a Marillion fan, I've had experience of helping out a cause, what with Street Team participation and traveling to distant places to catch a gig.

I was/am a Browncoat - a fan of the Joss Whedon shortlived TV series, Firefly. Apparently, in my own way, I helped put Serenity on screen. An exaggeration on my participation , but illustrates a point that if I want to see or hear more of something, I'll fight for it to survive.

So, to the subject; Supernatural.

To Americans in particular; watch this show! It's up against CSI and Grey's Anatomy. Not the best timeslot. But this show deserves to be watched. On the surface it's fairly superficial, but the characterisation of Sam and Dean is spot on. Supernatural is no West Wing, or even Battlestar Galactica, but it isn't about two pretty boy actors strutting their stuff to mediocre material either. These guys can act, and show a depth unusual for the standard fare aimed at the youthcentric WB demographic.

To UK viewers; Supernatural will be starting it's Season 2 run on ITV2, on 28/01/2007. Incidentally, my birthday. ;o)

It might not be The X-Files, but at least the story and mythology is easier to grasp and isn't just made up as time passes.

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